As the winter drags on, and it seems that spring is still so far out of our reach, it can be easy to get a case of the winter blues. Add that to a long or unexpected job search, and you can easily see how morale and self-esteem can suffer because of job search blues.
According to Marilyn Santiesteban, the Assistant Director of Career Services at Texan A&M University, “Everyone thinks the biggest impact of unemployment is to the wallet, but it’s actually the individual’s self-esteem that suffers the most.” This is true whether you are a recent grad struggling to find an entry-level job, while you see all of your friends getting hired at great companies, or if you’ve been laid off after working for a company for 10+ years.
Here’s what you can do to set yourself up for success and ensure that you climb out of any slump you may find yourself in.
Set a daily schedule and stick to it.
Get up in the mornings like you’re going to work. And you are; you’re working at getting a new job.
Utilize your network.
Try getting together with a different person every week. Not only is it good to get out of the house and socialize, but expanding your network and getting insight into different opportunities will provide you with direction on where to go next.
It’s been proven time and again, people who regularly volunteer have more self-esteem and self-worth. Plus, regularly being around people with similar passions and interests as you, may lead to opportunities you wouldn’t have heard about otherwise.
Find a creative/physical outlet.
It can be art, sewing, pottery, running, yoga, anything really. You just want something to get your mind off of your job search. These activities can relieve stress and inspire you, while helping your overall mental and physical health.
So, remember, searching for a new job is something that almost everyone deals with at one point or another in their life. Whether you are unemployed or not, having to search for a new job is not the end of the world. You just want to make sure that you are managing your job search so you don’t let yourself fall into a deep case of the job search blues.