Any job search blog will tell you that when an interviewer asks if you have any questions, you should always ask something. And it’s true! You want to appear interested in the position and organization. However, you shouldn’t be asking any general question that comes to mind.
When you are prepping for your next interview, make sure you prepare smart and thought-out questions to ask. Here are a few questions you should never ask during an interview.
Do not ask if they run a background check or require a drug test.
You could genuinely just be curious, but this makes it seem like you have something to hide. When job searching, it’s always best to just assume that they do.
Do not ask about salary or benefits.
This is something that can be discussed once you receive an offer. Employers want to hire someone who is passionate about their work and not someone who appears to just be in it for a paycheck. Spend your initial interview explaining what you can do for the company, and focus on what the company can do for you in return when an offer letter is received.
Do not ask if you can work from home.
If it isn’t stated in the job description, assume that it’s not an option. Remember that this interview is your first impression with this company. You don’t want it to appear like you don’t work well with others. A work from home option is something that can be discussed later down the line once you prove yourself and gain your employer’s trust.
Do not ask questions that can easily be found on the company’s website.
When preparing for your interview, a good rule of thumb is to make sure you weren’t able to find the answer on your own first. If you find yourself asking basic questions, it will show you didn’t care to do your research. Look at the company’s mission, news and history. You should also research industry news and competitors, and look up employees on LinkedIn.
While there are countless great questions you should be asking during your interview, do your best to keep the above topics out of the initial conversation. Show that you’re engaged in the discussion and interested in learning more about the position!