7 Signs It’s Time to Expand Your Workforce

There are so many factors to consider when running a business, including knowing the right time to add to your staff. Looking at your budget, hiring is something that can easily get put on the back burner as other expenses arise. Although it may appear that you are saving money by not hiring more workers when you need them, taking on too much with too little staff can end up being more expensive in the long run. Once employees you’ve already invested in become too overworked, they’re going to start to pursue other job opportunities, leaving you even more short-staffed and stressed.

Unsure if it’s the right time to add to your team? Here is how you’ll know it’s time (or a little past due) to expand your workforce.

  1. After time, you pick up on the amount of work your employees are capable of completing and their attitude in the workplace. Because of this, it should be fairly easy to tell if your workers are just underperforming or if you’re understaffed. If your top performers are suddenly missing deadlines, and your positive, happy, workers become closed off and stressed, this is usually a sign that you need to add to your staff.
  2. Have you noticed an excessive amount of call-ins? Maybe your employees are in need of a mental health day from being too overworked, or maybe they’re interviewing elsewhere because they’ve had enough. Either way, this is definitely a sign that it’s time to hire.
  3. Have you recently made overtime a requirement? Not only will this frustrate and burnout some employees, but this overtime expense will add up fast. At this point, expanding your workforce sounds like a better solution.
  4. New business should excite you! If new business is stressing you out or you’re even turning it away, you need to hire more help or your business cannot continue to grow.
  5. Are your regular, loyal customers starting to complain? Your business cannot afford negative online reviews. If calls are going unanswered and your employees are rushing causing careless errors, something needs to change. Your business is nothing without your customers and more employees means happier customers and fewer complaints.
  6. Do you feel like you’re drowning in questions and requests from your team? Maybe you need additional management help. Delegating some of these questions will take a lot of stress off your plate, making you a better manager.
  7. Are your higher level employees constantly helping out with entry-level work? You are paying your senior level staff more money for their higher skill set, and it isn’t cost effective to have them doing entry-level tasks. If you expand your workforce, these higher paid employees can get done what you are actually paying them to do.

If any of this sounds familiar, don’t procrastinate much longer. It could take months to find the right people for your company, and things are only going to get more hectic.
When you’re ready, KRG would love to help. Request an employee.
