New Year, New You: Improving your Workplace Demeanor in 2018

80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February. The start of a new year is the perfect time to act on the positive changes you’ve been meaning to make, but it’s usually easier said than done. Most people set unrealistic resolutions for themselves and get disappointed when these goals aren’t met. Keeping this in mind, here are a few easy and practical goals you can make to start 2018 off on the right foot at work.

Enhance your Communication Skills

It’s no secret that we all tend to hide behind a screen nowadays. In 2018, work on being more engaging. Pick up the phone and call someone rather than sending a text or email. Attempt to make more eye contact with co-workers and clients. Keep your ideas short and to the point. And most importantly, smile more. These small changes can really make a difference in the workplace, and it’s a simple way to come off as a more positive professional.

Face your Awkward Flaw

Think about what makes you uncomfortable in a professional setting. Maybe presenting in meetings still makes you nervous or you’ve been too timid to take the lead on a project. Work on perfecting this weakness in 2018 so nothing is holding you back from your full work potential. Read articles on the matter or ask a mentor for advice on how to face this annoying flaw rather than continuing to avoid it.

Fight Off Old Distractions

Sometimes a distraction once in awhile is a good way to break up the day, but own up when the distractions are becoming a problem. To work on increasing your productivity level in 2018, pay close attention to everything that is keeping you from focusing on your work and find a way to eliminate it. This could mean keeping your cell phone out of sight for a portion of the day or telling your chatty work BFF that you’ll catch up on lunch. This may sound like a bummer, but productivity is key in order to reach your long-term career goals.

Tidy Up

When is the last time you searched yourself on Google? The start of a new year is a great time to clean up your online presence. Even if you’re not searching for a new job, it’s always good for your professional image to check what personal photos can be viewed by the public. This is also a good time to reflect on your year and update your LinkedIn with any additional responsibilities you took on or skills you gained. While you’re at it, update your resume as well.

If the thought of committing to a life-changing New Year’s resolution is stressing you out, focus on simpler changes to better yourself and your career. Make 2018 your year!
