Resume Writing 101

Resume writing seems to be one of those things that everyone dreads doing.  Job seekers often start with a simple Google search, which brings up thousands of Do’s and Don’ts for proper resume writing and formatting.  Talk about information overload!  While all recruiters and HR professionals have their own ideas on what makes a perfect resume, the KRG team decided to put together a short list of tips that can be applied to almost everyone to help perfect their resume.

  • Use bullets and short sentences to make your resume concise and easy to read.
  • Include all of your contact information.  (This seems obvious, but you wouldn’t believe the number of resumes we see without a phone number or email address on them.)
  • Include quantifiable results when possible. Actual numbers such as percentage of sales growth, the size of the budget or number of clients managed tell a better story.
  • Keep your font choice simple and large enough to read.  Now is not the time to use to Bradley Hand or French Sscript.
  • Do not include pictures.
  • Don’t lie! You never know when it could come back to haunt you. Many employers run background checks, which could ruin your credibility if a lie is discovered.
  • If you have more than 10 years’ experience, there is no need to list all the jobs you’ve ever had, such as working at the local burger joint or coffee shop in high school.
  • Don’t include irrelevant or controversial information including hobbies, religious views, or political ideologies.
  • Tailor your resume to each job you apply to, including the opening objective statement.
  • Finally, proofread your resume more than once.  Better yet, get someone else to proofread it too!  Any grammar or spelling mistakes on your resume will hurt your chances of getting an interview.

Remember, since the goal of resume writing is to obtain an interview, your resume should reflect the experience, skills, and education that are applicable to the job you are applying for.  For more information on resume writing tips or for help with your job search, contact one of our staffing managers today!
